Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Coming of Modern Agriculture in England

On 1 June 1830 a farmer of northwest of England found his barn and haystack reduced to ashes by a fire started at night. In the months that followed cases of such fire were reported from the numerous districts . At times only the rick was burnt at other times the entire farmhouse. Then on the night of 28th august 1830 a threshing machine of a farmer was destroyed by the labourers in East kent of the England . In the subsequent two years ,riots spread over Southern England and about 387 threshing machines were broken.
In this period farmers recieved the threatning letters from the Swing Rioters . Captain  Swing was an imaginary character that was used by the labourers in the threatning letters.

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Over the late eighteenth and the early nineteenth centuries the english countryside changed dramatically .Before this time in the large parts of the England the countryside was open .It was not partitioned into the enclosed lands privately owned by the landlords . Peasants cultivated on the strips of land around the village they lived in .At the beginning of the each year , at a public meeting each villager was allocated a number of the strips to cultivate .Usually these strips of the varying quality and often located in the different parts ,not next to each other .The effort was to ensure that everyone was having a mix of the good land and the bad land.Beyond these strips of cultivation lay on the common land.

All villager were having an equal right on the common land anybody can go the common lands and take anything.